[Webinar] Onboarding Reimagined with Automation and AI

Qualifying Questionnaire: Getting started on HR Service Management using JSM

The way we manage employee experiences, onboarding, and day-to-day HR tasks has a direct impact on organizational success and employee satisfaction. In this article, we walk you through a qualifying questionnaire to identify whether JSM is the right fit for your HR Service Management initiatives,

Is employee experience a board-level strategic priority?

This question helps to understand the priority and see if we have the executive buy-in from all the stakeholders. Given the advancement in technologies and AI, new hires are looking for personalized onboarding journeys, use their preferred channel of communication and learn as much as about the company culture during the onboarding process. It’s essential to note that employee experience doesn’t start after an individual becomes an active employee; it begins with pre-hire considerations and extends throughout their employment, even after termination.

Has the organization implemented ITSM?

You might be wondering why the implementation of IT Service Management is relevant to HR Service Management. HR is responsible of Employee Onboarding. However, many of the tasks involved in onboarding, such as access provisioning and providing laptops, have dependencies on IT. The good news is, if your organization has already implemented ITSM, extending and unifying HR service management with the rest of the organization becomes a logical next step. This integration can streamline processes and enhance efficiency in HR operations.

Do you have a process for enterprise application standardization?

What keeps up CIOs in the night is security, non-compliance, run away applications and siloed applications. The best practices is to have a standardized approach for critical functions. In a recent conversation with a global CIO he mentioned that he has 3 critical applications for his entire organization, Project Collaboration – Atlassian, CRM – Salesforce, HCM – Workday. You can’t go wrong with standardizing on Enterprise Service Management (ESM) on Atlassian.

Is automation an afterthought?

This is a little tongue in cheek question. Automation is invariably an afterthought and often is patched and bolted on. The complexity level increases exponentially as you add multiple systems into the mix. Here is an example to showcase dataflow from application tracking system to JSM and then to HCM applications such as Workday or BambooHR.


If you answered yes to 3/5 questions, JSM is likely a good fit for your HR Service Management initiatives. If you answered no, thanks for being honest. The logical conclusion is you may have other pressing priorities and you can revisit this at a later time. Hope this provides a framework to consider JSM for HR Service Management initiatives.